It's taken a little over 2 years to get here, but the journey along the way has been quite fun. It's hard to conceive that 100 posts have been entered, considering that some of the longer essays took a few weeks to develop. One hundred is a fun milestone to reach; and particularly one to realize that a collection of late-night musings can develop into an online literary entity.

How does one find the time to write? If I wasn't writing on a free Saturday afternoon, I had to steal time from own sleep patterns. So yes, I'm still awake at 1:00 AM, as I am most nights in order to "find time" to get some writing done. But this is just my normal now. If you can find enough time to do what you enjoy, it can certainly make 2 years fly by!
One of the features that makes this Blogger site so helpful is that list in the right-hand column of this page which highlights the top 10 most frequented posts of the page. It's been fascinating to watch that list change and redefine itself over the past 2 years. However, for this post specifically, I wanted to highlight a list of my own. I want to mention my own top 10.
So...for my 100th post, these are my Top 10 Favorites.
#10: A Day without Anger
Click here to read: A Day without Anger
It seems odd to have this one in a list of favorites, but I'm really happy to have written this essay and to be able to share it. Being able to look back on these past 100 has really helped boost confidence and I'm quite proud to have an essay on Anger.
#9: A Day to Be You
Click here to read: A Day to be You
This entry is the only one on this list that is just an image. But, of all the thoughts and philosophies I've been privileged to learn, this is one concept that continues to stand out. What does it mean to be yourself? How do you even know who you are? Well... sometimes it starts with knowing who you're not. This image exists to show how you're not other people. One image can do that. That's why it's on this list.
#8: The Good Voice
Click here to read: The Good Voice
What a unique essay this became! This was my first spiritual essay that I felt was inspired enough and poignant enough to be worthy of its own composed essay. This essay was my attempt to describe the very nature of intuition. This essay is my best effort to describe the practice of listening to the Universe's message. To this day I still return to this essay, sometimes after a bad day, just to remind myself how it's done.
#7: A Day for Spirituality
Click here to read: A Day for Spirituality
After feeling confident enough to make spiritual claims in this blog due to the Good Voice essay, I released this essay a year later. This is as spiritual as spiritual can get. This essay came at the tail end of 2015, which was a rather lazy year compared to 2014. I let myself get lazy because I let myself believe that writing was a poor use of my time. And then this essay came along! Instantly, I was back into my note-taking and outlining; and I was hungry to write again. The length of this essay proves that.
#6: Happy Tears
Click here to read: Happy Tears
In February 2014, I only wrote two posts: this one and The Original Sin, which has continued to be a most-frequented post for this page. The reason I chose to highlight this essay in particular is that this is truly one of my favorite essays I've written. I enjoy this one so much because of it's symbolism. This essay is a description of the conflict between the ego and vulnerability. This is one of the more psychologically charged essays and for that reason, I love it!
#5: A Day to Honor Grief
Click here to read: A Day to Honor Grief
This essay was never supposed to be on this blog. This topic was strongly featured in my book and I felt a strange need to conceal it from the public eye. I believed this was supposed to be for my eyes only... until November 16, 2015... the day my stepfather Ron Kershner passed away. Everything changed. I flung out the zip drive, found the part in my book on Grief, made a few edits, and copied the reminder over here. Then, through tears, I hit 'send.' This essay was my attempt to tell my family that everything was going to be OK, despite how sad and scared we all were feeling. I'm holding back tears just seeing these words pour out of my fingertips again. But, this is why I write.
#4: A Day for Individuality
Click here to read: A Day for Individuality
Of all the essays written for this blog specifically, this is the true first. Still unaware of how or what to blog, I decided to write on the one topic I knew best: being unique. To this day, this essay has remained in the Top 5 of the Top 10 most frequented posts list. I find that symbolic that evidently there is a need for individuality which explains the public's recurring curiosity for it.
#3: The Secret to Happiness... in 10 "easy" Steps
Click here to read: The Secret to Happiness... in 10 "easy" Steps
Talk about a need and a curiosity for an essay! As the first line quips: "Ok, this is it. This is the essay you've probably signed onto this blog to find." But let's face it, it's a pretty accurate statement. I really love this essay. I enjoyed researching it. I enjoyed writing it. I enjoy being able to return to it. I'm glad this is a popular topic. It deserves to be, and you deserve to be happy.
#2: A Day for Courage
Click here to read: A Day for Courage
One of the things about being a writer is that it takes a ton of introspection. One of the things about introspection is that it makes for great therapy. So if it hasn't become evident already, I'll hint it to you here: most of what I write began as an attempt to self-diagnose and self-soothe. This essay is the perfect example. Due to all the research, reflection, and introspection it took as a precursor to this essay, I write because I need it too. The most challenging aspect about being a writer is that you're constantly drawing a new route on the map to the center of your heart. However, the other thing about being a writer is that most are afraid to share that map. I'm very proud of where I've come from just to be able to look back on an essay like this.
#1: A Day for Forgiveness
Click here to read: A Day for Forgiveness
The origin of why I write is due to this very topic. The topic of Forgiveness initiated the whole locomotion enough to inspire me to write at all. For that reason, I love talking about Forgiveness, I love teaching Forgiveness, and I love to forgive. As described earlier, there was no greater method to self-soothe than to study Forgiveness and then later to forgive one of the most important people in my life. To this day, Forgiveness is my favorite topic because it saved my life. Through forgiveness, I found my power. This is why I write.
So there you have it, my personal favorite posts...thus far.
I already have a continuing list of future topics that I plan to write about. So just because I made it to the 100 post milestone, I am nowhere near finished.
Please remember, wisdom is knowledge in action. Therefore if you can make a day... if you can dedicate a day to forgiveness, and then courage, happiness, compassion, etc... then by the end of your living, you will have A Life of Wisdom.
Thank you for your time.
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